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Why can't I change my homepage? - Printable Version

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Why can't I change my homepage? - Nicole - 02-28-2014 06:13 PM

Okay so normally when I open a new tab (on Google Chrome) it will take me to and also show me my recently visited pages. Well now when I open a new tab it shows me a blank search bar with an advertisment on top and bottom of the search bar. In the right corner it says 'results powered by Bing'. I clicked settings, advanced, apperance, then change homepage, and I typed "" and clicked ok and nothing happened. I also tried to change it to Facebook and nothing me!!

- Dave - 02-28-2014 06:22 PM

You might be infected with the so called browser hijacker. You can follow the step by step guide in the below article - it should fix the problem

- thenetgeek - 02-28-2014 06:33 PM

I believe this is due to an offending extension installed in your Chrome. Try disabling ALL extensions in your chrome browser.

- Abusayed - 02-28-2014 06:38 PM

go to your add ons settings in google chrome and remove the bing add on , if it does not worked then go to control panel / add or remove program , then remove any bing toolbar .Hope this helps

- Champak - 02-28-2014 06:52 PM

I think if you remove google chrome then again install then you can choose your homepage.