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How do I remove Facebook Timeline? - Printable Version

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How do I remove Facebook Timeline? - Jerry Lynch - 02-28-2014 07:43 PM

Timeline. I don't like it, didn't want it - but somehow I have it. How can I remove it & go back to the previous profile page ???????????

- mEn7aL - 02-28-2014 07:47 PM

Sorry! I Made the same mistake and there is no way you can go back to old style facebook . You have to edit now the timeline before it becomes public and what you want and don't want on there because you won't be able change some settings later . Follow the directions.

I read it under HELP and TIMELINE AND FACEBOOK kept pop-in up this timeline and I click it and accidently like you..stuck with it..but it will be all the same once it takes in effect in few months or weeks .

good luck and dumb timeline, I know . is like history of you're life but on computer lol.

- Dominik G - 02-28-2014 08:03 PM

You can't remove it, but if you don't like your cover, you can always make a cool looking one.. I made one with

- Rickey - 02-28-2014 08:08 PM

If you don�t like the new Timeline feature on Facebook and want to view profiles in the old style,
then TimelineRemove is the perfect extension for you. This tiny, but handy tool disables
the new Facebook timeline feature and restores the classic look,
without changing the timeline behavior for other visitors of your Facebook profile.
The extension basically works by hiding the timeline, so you can view your own and others� profiles
in the old style.
TimelineRemove works automatically once installed, and a button is added to the toolbar that lets
you toggle the timeline on and off, whenever you want.