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Failing business help? - Printable Version

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Failing business help? - Mysterious - 02-28-2014 08:38 PM

I have just started a business last October with high hopes
it's an online t-shirt printing business, I've created a business page on facebook
but so far just 38 likes and only one customer
I'm losing hopes on this
I have come to realize that there are already plenty of t-shirt printers out there and it's hard to be unique since you'll be offering practically the same kind of service (t-shirt printing)

It will be hard for me to make my own t-shirt line however, since I am not really creative in terms of fashion

The only good thing is, since it's an online business I don't have to pay for rent

Help? I don't know what to do anymore

- Sarah - 02-28-2014 08:41 PM

Get yourself sponsors! Youtube, Facebook, local businesses that could help out.. I find the local thing usual works out best. Hope this is helpful.

- Donald - 02-28-2014 08:48 PM

Create a unique niche. Then market it.

If you're not creative, work with people who are.

- TRish - 02-28-2014 08:53 PM

The decision of what to do next depends on your circumstances, such as how much it is costing you to "carry" this business. As you say, because it is online, you are not paying rent. Are you able to carry your other expenses while you reinvent this business and do some of the research and planning you ideally should have done before you began? I don't say that as a criticism of your efforts; no business exists in an ideal world. But you have to face the ways your particular business is non-ideal before you can improve it.

You need to think about whether this is the right business for you. If you are not creative, honesty, you are not going to be able to create a clothing line that will sell big. Perhaps another niche is right for you. For example, letting customers submit their own designs for smaller orders than most printers would do, or at a lower price, or with faster delivery. What can you do better than the competition?

If the answer, when you are flat honest with yourself, is "nothing," then you need to cut your losses and fold up this business as soon as possible. You need not see it as a failure. You succeeded . . . in learning that you are not cut out to own a t-shirt printing business. Well done!

The sooner you know where you stand, the sooner you can move on to what comes next.

- Claudia - 02-28-2014 08:57 PM

There are a lot more free ways to promote your business online then just facebook. I suggest you do a google search for this topic and read up on it.