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Can I get him back, What is he trying to do? - Printable Version

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Can I get him back, What is he trying to do? - Jemma - 02-28-2014 09:06 PM

Ok, so last summer I went on holiday with my parents and there was a really hot guy around the pool that I couldn't keep my eyes off. But obviously we didn't know each other and I thought nothing of it.

A few days later we were talking in the corridor near the bar as I was looking for my friend and he was looking for his; minutes later we kissed. From then on our friendship groups joined and we would spend every evening in the hotel as a group but during the day it was as though we didn't know each other (maybe because parents were there).

So the kissing, holding hands etc continued every night and everyone else in our friendship group assumed we were 'together'. Then on the final night as everyone went to bed we were the last ones around and ended up sleeping together. It happened that we were on the same flight home and sat together on the plane (the most romantic flight I've had). It was pretty safe to say we had fallen for each other.

I then went to work in Italy for the remainder of the summer and he would constantly text and send messages asking for us to make it official. I was unsure; kinda nervous I guess. But then one day he was talking about his birthday and I asked if he was going out to which he replied "no, i'll be 17". That was it, I went crazy. I'm 20 and therefore the thought of a relationship with someone much younger was a definite no for me. He was very upset as he thought I knew how old he was and that his friend had told me (his best friend is the same age as me, plus he looks older so I assumed we were the same).

We didn't continue to talk and he eventually moved on. We spoke again maybe 2 months ago (general chatter) and he had a girlfriend, I had gone the opposite way and acted like the average english university student.

I have now moved to america to study. He text me the morning of my flight to say good luck and the conversation became quite deep with me admitting that I regret my decision of rejecting him due to the age gap. But he still has a girlfriend so I left it at that but he continued to ask me questions about it and then said we'll have to meet when I get home in April… I said he had a girlfriend to which he replied 'Ssshhhhh". I was not happy that he would consider doing that to another girl.

He sent me a message on Facebook again this week to see how college in the states is as he is also moving out here in august to come to college. We were chatting and it started getting flirty with him making comments about what happened when we were on holiday. I told him I'm transferring full time and will be staying in the states to which he replied 'move to nebraska'. I asked why would I want to go there and he started mentioning previous things. We carried on joking about why I rejected him over the age difference (and him always mentioning that 'I'd go there again though because I regret my decision' and he's right) and i happened to mention that my dad is 6 years younger than my mum. He replied 'there's still hope for me then! who know's what's gonna happen…' he then said 'I hope you know i'm gonna chase you up when I've finished college in 4 years. Hopefully you won't be pregnant or engaged."

We continued to exchange messages daily until thursday this week. It was his girlfriends birthday and since hasn't read my previous message or spoke to me once.

What is he playing at?

Is there anyway I can get him back or am I being played myself?
Thank you Rissy. However, I don't ever agree with guys cheating (I've been cheated on) and I made this clear to him when he suggested it.

I just want to know whether he's:
- just leading me on
- actually still interested
- trying to make me jealous with his new girlfriend etc

- Rissy - 02-28-2014 09:19 PM

I would definitely let him go. Ok one hes got a gf which is completely off limits but you have to ask urself how you would feel if you were his gf talking to some other girl planning to meet up. Its easy to flirt and be promiscuous .... its also disgusting to cheat. He needs to try something worth character and integrity such as being FAITHFUL! I know its exciting and that feeling like its forbidden but trust me there are plenty of other guys out there you can start something with too...who don't have gfs and are more faithful.