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Do most people look at their Facebook friends' listed family? - Printable Version

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Do most people look at their Facebook friends' listed family? - Joe - 03-01-2014 10:37 AM

I am curious because I have my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. listed on my Facebook profile, and I have a few relatives with very questionable stuff on their profile that I don't want my other friends to see. One of my female cousins has nude pics of herself on her profile (and very sexually revealing profile/cover pics as well) and a guy cousin who has a pic on his profile where he's at a friend's house standing in front of a flag with a swastika. Needless to say, I would be mortified if any of my friends, teachers or neighbors who I'm friends with saw any of this crap and found out I have relatives like this. I also have some Facebook friends who are under the age of 13, and if they saw that would not be good, plus it would piss their parents off. Is it common for people to check out the profiles of someone's listed family members just out of curiosity, or is this not something I should worry about? I'm hoping no one I'm friends with has already clicked on their profiles...

- Hyomi - 03-01-2014 10:38 AM

I would say that on facebook, people only look at main friends, but they would probably look at the family if they know someone on that list. Overall, I actually think people are more concerned about how many friends you have rather than specifically who is in your friends list. Maybe you can talk to those people in your family about exposing themselves like that. ^ ^

- Aisha - 03-01-2014 10:44 AM

yes,it is like that because they search their main friends and like that they would also like to search them because they list them in their family members list because of their friendships.

- 918 - 03-01-2014 10:51 AM

I would say yes. There's some relatives who wanted to list me as their family but I don't accept the request. Probably because I feel like my Facebook friends are gonna check their profiles too.