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Myspace or facebook please help? - Printable Version

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Myspace or facebook please help? - Josia - 03-01-2014 12:27 PM

Witch ones better myspace or facebook?

- shawn - 03-01-2014 12:34 PM

myspace is definatley better you can watch videos listen to music and message your friends and they recently added a live chat thing but it only works half the time, i hope they perfect it cuz that is the only reason i ever made a facebook account is because of the live chat, but if myspace perfects theirs i will have no use for facebook at all :oP

- Luke - 03-01-2014 12:45 PM

well if you ask me get one of both
myspace: you can give your profile music and a background
Facebook: more for adults easier to get around on.

they are both basicly the same exept for can watch vids and upload i said myspace teens facebook adults also you can find your graduate class and marine groups on face book i no that for a fact

- emilyjwhitworth - 03-01-2014 12:58 PM

def. facebook!! most people dont even use myspace anymore
myspace is overated