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Cheating boyfriend? So sorry about big paragraph, just needed to get alot off my chest? - Printable Version

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Cheating boyfriend? So sorry about big paragraph, just needed to get alot off my chest? - 667 - 03-01-2014 01:54 PM

Basically, Ive been with my boyfriend for about 8 months now. About 2 months ago we were argueing loads, and i put my hands up and admit that i am a nightmare when i touch alcohol but also so is he. We dont drink alot but when we do i end up storming out upset or we just argue to the point we're shouting at each other and neighbours complain. When we dont touch alcohol though we are brilliant together, never argue at all, so in love. Well a month ago, i searched his name into google to find something and it came up all of these dating, porn websites he was using. I confronted him and he got all defensive and snapped at me and told me to pack my stuff and leave. I left and went to a relatives and he phoned me later on with an explanation and an apology. So i came back up and just forgot about it because he said it was stuff from ages ago and it meant nothing to him now. About a week after that i noticed his mood change so i googled his name again just to see if he went on any of them websites again. I found him postign an ad for himself on a kik messenger website saying, 'Hi Ladies, looking for some females to talk to' I noticed the date was recent. I went on to his profile for it and he posted at least 16 posts in the last 5 months to get girls to add him. He was also commenting on ones saying 'Female looking for fun' telling her to add him. I was so heartbroken so i went in and said to him and told him i was leaving because it is still cheating, even though it wasnt physically. He went out the room to get my stuff and i just broke down, i could not stop crying, and he came back in and gave me a cuddle and begged me not to leave him and he said he didnt want any other girl and he only done it when we argued when we were drinking except from the most recent one, where i was in bed and had no clue this was going on. He admitted to sending pictures to other girls and getting them back. But we managed to talk about stuff and he let me delete everything and gave me his password to email and facebook, but ever since that, ive just been so suspicious of absalutely everything he does. He took me out somewhere nice after it to try and make it up to me but i was so upset. This all happened a while ago now and i still cant get it out of my head. Im dealing with an anxiety disorder aswell so i dont know if thats something to do with it. Ive became obsessed with knowing where he is and if i didnt sound posessive i would ask him to take a picture of where he is at all times (im not that crazy) but yeah, im absalutely destroyed. We have regular sex, like 3 times a day! and he treats me like a princess aswell so i know he does love me but i dont understand why he would want to talk to someone else if hes with me? im only young and he is alot older, at a size 8 im starting to notice getting love handles and bits of fat where i never cared before, i feel unattractive and flumpy (only word i can use to describe how im feeling about myself) i constantly compare myself to every girl i see now and lose every time, its such a horrible feeling, i feel not good enough for anyone, i dont understand why someone would want to do that to a 100% faithful girlfriend that would do absalutely anything in this world for them, for what?.. a slutty picture? Apart from all that, as far as i know he hasnt done any of that stuff anymore and he isnt distant from me, he never has been, like when we're in bed we'll go to sleep cuddling and wake up still cuddling, he is the love of my life, im just heartbroken, it would be so appreciated if someone could... i dont even know what kind of answer im looking for? i suppose im just looking to feel a wee bit better about stuff. If anyone has any advice or something it would be so appreciated! Smile

- Another Day - 03-01-2014 02:02 PM

You guys need to regain trust in your relationship, it seems like you really love each other, so the solution would probably be to talk things through, don't let it turn into an argument, but make sure you get how you feel across tell him how you feel. If he posted this stuff when he was angry at you about an argument or something he may have been doing it to boost his confidence and to make himself feel wanted, the anxiety may have something to do with your 'obsession' about knowing where he is but I can totally understand why you would want to know where he is due to the lack of trust that this situation has created. Over time your feelings about all this will probably go down, but right now it must hurt a lot, make sure to talk things through with him, make sure he knows that it hurt you and that he won't do it again and down let it be turned around on you, you need to tell him about your confidence issues because he needs to help you solve them, I hope that this helped and that things work out well for you

- jeffrey f - 03-01-2014 02:16 PM

You should end the relationship and move on. He cheated on you and you have other issues you need to work on.