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How can i get a girlfriend? - Printable Version

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How can i get a girlfriend? - cooze - 03-01-2014 10:38 PM

i'm 20, i've been single throughout my life. no one even owns my heart. i'm the only person on earth who's still single. i mean i feel Lost! its just very difficult to overcome. i tried making friends on FB but it didn't work even a simple "hi" i got no respond. Life no longer has any value for me since i got no girlfriend. i feel myself so dreadfully alone. i really want a girl to spend time with but i don't know how! i don't know how to start! i'm Lost! :"(

- anonymous - 03-01-2014 10:52 PM


- Sarah - 03-01-2014 11:02 PM

Hi, dont feel like u have to get a girlfriend. LOL. Im 15, and im not planning to have a boyfriend till i'm around 23. And no, i know many people who have nto had a relationship and they're older than you LOL. And if u're tryign to make friends on fb, saying hi is kinda weird. U have to talk to them in person first, and then say hi. And maybe dont say hi, start off a conversation differently. Can u please answer my question? Smile

- James - 03-01-2014 11:14 PM

Hi cooze,

Having a relationship is special so don't rush into it. When looking for a girlfriend, don't rely too much on social network like facebook. Sometimes that best way is the old fashioned way. So go out and meet new people. Be comfortable with who you are so that other people will become more comfortable with your company. When you are able to this, confidence will just follow naturally.

I would like to give you more dating tips but yahoo answers has some limitations. You can visit the site for more info

- delive_rance - 03-01-2014 11:27 PM

REAL PEOPLE ARE NOT IN THE INTERNET. Real people are in your school, neighborhood, or even in a bookstore you frequently go to. At 20 you are still young to be desperate having a girl of your own. Don't be. There are probably 20,000 single girls right there in your city or even in your community. All you have to do is find them and approach them and start saying "hi" and "hello" to the right people not on FB or Twitter.

You are NOT ALONE in saying you are the only single person on earth. There are probably 1.2 million single people on earth as we speak. So do not believe in that theory of yours. It is only for fools and idiots. What you need are friends that will introduce you to a girl in your office, school or right in the community place you live in. Life has value even if you have nobody to turn too, because you got your family to back you up when you're down and out. Friends to get you by when your lonely or out. Girls is the only answer to a single person's life. If you know how to paint or draw you could attract attention to other girls that also like to paint or draw picture, at least you both have one common interest which is the ARTS. So life is not that boring. Single hood has many rewards too, like being alone without problems, because when the girl comes into your life, here comes the problem in your life. Why you think with a girl, it is all sunshine and good sky? Of course not. So do something with your life first and then girls will come into your way whether you like it or not.