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How big is the social media industry? - Printable Version

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How big is the social media industry? - yomaindeala - 03-02-2014 12:16 AM

What I am asking is how big is the monetary part of the Social Media Industry. For example: If the restaurant market in U.S is 58 billion dollars then what is the social media market? Also how many people in the U.S. use social media? Please(if you can) post the links supporting your replies. TY

- Benjamin - 03-02-2014 12:20 AM

It's impossible to estimate this properly, but Facebook, for example, is valued at around $100bn alone. Therefore, social media is clearly worth a lot more than the restaurant industry. However, you should also note that Facebook extends past social networking, and includes advertising and search. That's where it becomes difficult to value it.

Around 72% of people in the US use a social network.

- Robin - 03-02-2014 12:26 AM

Massive, facebook, twitter etc, do you know anyone who isn't on them daily? The younger generation have their smart phones with them 24-7 and use them more often than tissues or pens.

- KRL - 03-02-2014 12:33 AM

I can't imagine how big is it. I don't think it would be measurable. Pinterest alone has 10million users. I don't know with the others.Facebook has many users, I think it's billion.