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Are schools allowed to access facebook pages of students? - Printable Version

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Are schools allowed to access facebook pages of students? - Alex P - 10-15-2012 07:43 PM

Are the school under an account 'X school Alumni' allowed to add you as a friend and then access your facebook accout (While still a member of school) and question you about posts made on facebook?

I am under the assumption that the schools rights end at the end of the school ground?

This related to a students being questioned by staff members over posts on certain facebook groups ?

- Nitram - 10-15-2012 07:51 PM

just turn down the friend request. Simples

- Darkfyre - 10-15-2012 07:51 PM

Schools are allowed to use internet resources in any manner deemed legal by the state and federal government.

If they feel material on your facebook account threatens your personal safety or integrity, or that of fellow students or school staff, certainly you may find yourself questioned. The internet is not a private club: Anyone in the world can access your information, and there is no such thing as 100% secure on the web.

- Matthew Hawkins - 10-15-2012 07:51 PM

They don't have any more rights than anyone else.

If however you are posting messages on groups that are intended to bully, threaten or hurt other people I would be more worried about the police gaining access to it. If they request it they will be given access.

As the feral scum in the UK who were using social networks to organise riots found out. 4 years in prison for typing. Gotta laugh.