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how is calling justin Beiber gay not liberal? - Printable Version

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how is calling justin Beiber gay not liberal? - DD Man - 03-02-2014 05:39 AM

When people say "justin Bieber is soo gay" and "just Bieber is really gay" on youtube comments and twitter ect. how is that not liberal? we learned about liberal in school and since hes no treally gay and people are just saying it seems like liberal. can he sue them?
i dont mean liberal like conservative/liberal i mean liberal like lying

- hamel5 - 03-02-2014 05:45 AM

Saying that is just adolescent. Since he made millions from you pre-teens and tweens, he's unlikely to sue.

- susan m - 03-02-2014 05:53 AM

That isn't an indication of politics. It's an expression of popular culture.

- Squid - 03-02-2014 06:00 AM

The word you are looking for is "libel".

Technically, yes it is libel (as long as it's not true). However, in this case there are no damages. Justin Beiber does not lose any record sales because someone calls him gay on youtube. In fact, it might actually increase his sales because it keeps people talking about him and it's free advertising.

- Diana B - 03-02-2014 06:05 AM

" dont mean liberal like conservative/liberal i mean liberal like lying"

Wow, does everybody in your school mix up completely different words like "liberal" and "libel"? That's so Justin Bieber.

- lovemybabes - 03-02-2014 06:20 AM

I'm sure being called "gay" is one of the nicer things he's been called.

- M. Newton - 03-02-2014 06:24 AM

The word you want is "libel". To win a libel suit, Justin would have to prove he was damaged by the insult. Admitting that he feels being called gay is an insult would do his reputation more harm than the insult itself. Any libelous action has to cause harm to a person's income or quality of life to have weight in court.

- Mutt - 03-02-2014 06:38 AM

You mean "libel", not "liberal".

And why would it be libel to call someone "happy"? The word "gay" means "happy" until it started to be applied to homosexuals. So by saying "Justin Bieber is so gay" you could really be saying "Justin Bieber is so happy". Are you damaged by anyone if they call you "happy"?