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why so many black "american" males are always on social media complaining about their women? - Printable Version

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why so many black "american" males are always on social media complaining about their women? - Eric - 03-02-2014 08:19 AM

first of all, i skim through some videos i notice theirs alot i mean alot of videos of black "american males, saying how god awful their women are and how their garbage and gross and fat, stupid etc... and how they are going overseas to find wives, or dating outside their race, and whenever theirs issue in their community somehow its the women's fault. outsider looking in how is this helping the situtation, seriously i can understand yes their issues with your women like any group in the world but really why are these puttting all their business on youtube, ABC TV specials, books, radio podcasts??? dont the men realize your making the thing worse than it seems. yess i seen ghetto fat baby mama women but same time i seen alot of bum ass black american males too... yet for some odd reason its always the females, i swear this only race that men put all the blame on the women??? i dont see any group doing this

- Rowan - 03-02-2014 08:22 AM

Just happens idk why?

- MrPhotographer - 03-02-2014 08:37 AM

two things here.

1. You have no points so i can't really take what you say seriously.

2. You just missed that most of the men on here are not black males. And the ones on here (pat my ownself on the back) dont constantly talk about how its all womens fault. I have to take some blame myself for my situation. Women are to blame for somethings but if you constantly find yourself in a situation maybe its not the woman, maybe its just you.

- Leo D - 03-02-2014 08:40 AM

What exactly do yoi think goes on here?

- Kaye - 03-02-2014 08:54 AM

I honestly don't know what you are looking at but I've not seen this.

- Pretty Little Liar - 03-02-2014 09:03 AM

Then you have not met the white MRAs and anti fems on this forum.

They blame women for everything.

And, on this forum, I agree with MrPhoto. Its the white dudes who seem obsessed with blaming women.

- TMan - 03-02-2014 09:11 AM

Dude, you obviously dont visit the Gender Studies section often.The whites from both genders bash each other every single day.

- Chad - 03-02-2014 09:25 AM

you mean African American males