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Isn't it the pot calling the kettle black? - Printable Version

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Isn't it the pot calling the kettle black? - bassmaniac - 03-02-2014 06:48 PM

When conservatives/fundies called the gay couples getting married at the Grammys bigots in a very spiteful tone in their twitter posts?

- Mr. Bluelight - 03-02-2014 06:54 PM


- ChefExcellence - 03-02-2014 07:02 PM

Yes. Just the same when Rick Santorum bashes gays in a lavender suit and hot pink tie.

- Eric - 03-02-2014 07:09 PM

I don't know about being hypocrites, but they definitely were not acting very Christ-like. I am unsure why you claim that it was fundamentalist Christians who were doing this. Based upon what evidence? "Fundie" gets bantered about so loosely these days that it can mean almost anything that you can imagine.

Bottom line in all of what you posted: Christians ought not be calling anyone names, acting prejudicial, or attacking anyone. Christians need to stop and think through what they are going to say before actually saying it. Once the words are uttered, it is impossible to take them back. ,