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Is this Capricorn man interested? - Printable Version

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Is this Capricorn man interested? - Angie - 03-02-2014 07:45 PM

I met this cap man about 2 weeks ago at a party. I approached him first and we started talking and just exchanged facebook profiles, he didn't ask for my number or anything. After the party though we didn't talk on facebook or anything, but I saw him again at this other party and when I went to get a drink he was there and started talking to me again and bought me a drink. We chatted for a long time and then he walked me home, I invited him in and we had a long talk about our lives in general over wine. I did mention that I had just broken up with my boyfriend about a month ago and he commented saying that's very recent. Then he left and again didn't contact. A few days ago, we meet again at another party but he doesn't seem very keen to talk to me or approach, so I approach and say hi and he starts talking then, attempts to buy me a drink but I already had one. Then I go away with my friends and tell him if he wants to come where we were he can come later, so after 10 minutes he's next to us with his friends but I didn't really see him noticing me although I wasn't looking the whole time. That night I walked with him to his house, during our walk he keeps asking me to get a taxi before we get to his house and I keep saying that I can get one when we get there because it's easier. We get there and in the end I end up staying there and we talk for a looong time, then we fall asleep on the same bed but during this whole time he has not made any moves on me. When I woke up in the morning he offered coffee and everything but judging from how badly he wanted me to get a cab the night before I just said no and left quickly. After leaving he texted on facebook asking if I got home ok and I tried to keep the convo going but he only answered every 2 hours so couldn't keep a proper convo...and still he has not asked me for my phone number

- Malika - 03-02-2014 07:54 PM

I think he might be interested but capricorns take too long to make decisions so just be patient. Another reason he might be pushing away is maybe he thinks that you still havent got over your ex since it was recent that you broke up with him. Also dont seem to easy or act one cuz thats a really turn off for them.

- Astro Naren Sharma - 03-02-2014 07:59 PM

Yep. Capricorn won't make a move unless they know feelings are mutual. They loath being ridicule and rejected.