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Help with a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!? - Printable Version

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Help with a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!? - Asteris - 03-02-2014 08:41 PM

Hello.I really like a girl from my high school.I have no idea how to control it.I believe that she likes me,i mean like boy,but she is not about to make any first move.But i want to.We are not in the same class except than 2 subjects but this cant help cuz it is hard to part with her(i tried it a lot of times).We have some friends in common that can possible help me(but how??).If it makes any difference,we are also friends in facebook and we have an activity(we like each other post and photos etc.).I really want a chance to talk to him and become friends and i can handle the rest....Any ideasss? Smile))

- Cats - 03-02-2014 08:56 PM

Get his number, on Facebook, in person, from a friend, u can get to know eachother better then maybe flirt a bit, 21 questions is a good game that can both be getting to know them and flirty

- Blankety - 03-02-2014 09:03 PM

Hey, I think that you should make the first move, are you guys close? if you are then go into town or something with her and a few friends ask her to bring a few friends as well, im a girl and would ALWAYS want a guy to make the first move. hope this helped Smile

- Emma - 03-02-2014 09:09 PM

Well I'm in high school and I'm a girl and what I like guys to do is have confidence. Don't be afraid to tell her things in person that would flatter her in a text or on Facebook. Smile that will really attract her and make you stand out from most boys your age. If you act shy and awkward that'll turn her away. Just don't be afraid and approach this with a light heart. Smile