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Left-wingers, what do you hate most about right-wingers? - Printable Version

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Left-wingers, what do you hate most about right-wingers? - Zephyr - 03-02-2014 10:12 PM

Which is worse: social conservatism or the love of market capitalism?
Please define which option is worse..don't just say you hate them.

- honestamerican - 03-02-2014 10:23 PM

Their betrayal of America!

Bush ignored terrorism until 9/11/2001

The republican congress did not start an inquiry until public opinion forced them to 14 months after the attack.

How long did it take some of these same republicans to start demanding an inquiry into Benghazi? A week at most!

- Travis - 03-02-2014 10:30 PM

They're rich and dont give a damn about the working man but only care about making it hard for the working man which really pisses me off.

- jamie - 03-02-2014 10:34 PM

they hate it because they do not agree with them

- Eric - 03-02-2014 10:38 PM

I hate that the republicans in congress would vote to lower taxes on the very wealthy before they raise the minimum wage.

- 268 - 03-02-2014 10:45 PM

I can't stand liars.

- Captain Obvious - 03-02-2014 10:56 PM

I don't know which is worse, social conservatism or obsession with market capitalism both are pretty bad.

But what I really dislike about the right is their tendency to blatantly misrepresent the left. Things like calling an Obama a socialist or a communist I find very frustrating and misleading, because I consider myself a socialist and look at Obama and see very little different between him and Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc. in terms of economics. I think Obama is terrible and always have.

I realise there are people on the left doing this too, like calling everyone they disagree with a "Fascist". But they don't tend to make it onto TV.
And I do realise that not everyone on the right is that facile, but it seem the loudest people are. It's a real shame and indicative of the intellectual decline of our generation.