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what is marketing and how has marketing changed? - Printable Version

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what is marketing and how has marketing changed? - Kirsty - 03-02-2014 10:52 PM

im really confused of what marketing is? can someone give me a easy definition?
and also how has marketing changed since the 1960s

- Goober - 03-02-2014 11:00 PM

Marketing is promoting your product or service to the public in the goal of qcheiving increase revenu though sales.

I could write a thousand pages on how marketing has change over the last fifty years but here's a simple version

1960 popular marketing strategies included use of newspaper magazine television and radio commercial / ad time/ space.

2013 these are almost secondary concerns to a digital prescience such as Internet and text promotions.

- Kurt - 03-02-2014 11:13 PM

Marketing is simply getting your Name or Brand in front of consumers. It is a large encompassing word that covers everything from advertising on TV to having a Facebook page. If it get's the word out about you (or your product, you are marketing on some level)

Now for the differences:

1. The old way (1960's) of marketing was strictly "outbound marketing". That is trying to push your product in front of the eyes of consumers. Think billboards, TV, radio and newspapers. The client's may not be looking for you, so you put yourself "out" for everyone.

Although we still use this type of marketing today, "inbound marketing" is what is 'in' today. This comes in the form of internet searches. People are actively looking for what it is you do and finding you. That is "inbound", just like someone calling you on the phone. They want or need what you have and looked for you. Make sense?

That I believe is the biggest difference between old and new marketing. Hope that helps!