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Part-time jobs in computer programming? - Printable Version

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Part-time jobs in computer programming? - Nathaniel - 03-03-2014 01:17 AM

I'm an information science major at a University and I have already taken Java and Visual Basic. I'm going to take one more programming class as well. In addition, I'm going to take business calculus, comp structures, and internet programming. My professor says that after I take these classes I can get hired as a computer programmer. I am planning on working as a part-time programmer though. So I would ask, "Are there that many part-time" computer programming jobs or would you have to go full time as a programmer"? My classes are very hard right now so I think it would take up too much of my time to become a full time programmer.

- Keith - 03-03-2014 01:33 AM

Hang some ads on craigslist describing what you do in programming. That kept me busy for years.

- george - 03-03-2014 01:45 AM

There are a decent amount of part time jobs in the IT world. Though not enough that you'll find one everyday, or week for that matter. But they do exist.

Pro Tip - If you can try interning at someplace you want to work full time or try interning for a major firm. A lot of rookies don't realize just how much a big name can effect their career. In fact in my opinion having a big name behind you is probably the most important thing for an IT career.

- Matt - 03-03-2014 01:47 AM

Hi Nathaniel,

You can work as a freelance programmer where you work from home and clients are from different parts of the world. All you need to do is sign up on different freelancing sites so clients will see your skills and expertise. Legit sites where you can sign up are,, for full time jobs) and etc. You can also try looking on job boards, social media to expand your search that will give you better chances of getting clients.