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Are people idiotic globally, or is it just the United States? - Printable Version

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Are people idiotic globally, or is it just the United States? - Pretty Visitor - 03-03-2014 02:42 AM

So, I live in the Midwest, and have lived on the West Coast as well. I've also traveled quite a bit so I would say I have some global experience. I was born in Japan, and go there somewhat often. (every few years or so) I've also been to Canada, England, and Germany. Honestly, I think other countries are much more professional business-wise and people just seem less ignorant. I really don't care if you're going to give me hate for being unpatriotic or ignorant myself.
Honestly though, almost every "professional" I have worked with in the States have cancelled and changed plans and are late to important appointment 80% of the time.
Our education systems are down the drains, and all the majority of young people do is be addicted to social media. I would say were a nation that glorifies drugs and alcohol judging by our Hollywood "role models," and I can't even comment on the economy.

You can call me biased. I'm certainly not saying this is everybody, but a lot of people that I have known or know, a really good majority.

- Nikola - 03-03-2014 02:46 AM


- JPane - 03-03-2014 02:57 AM

Stupidity knows no nationality.

OP: "I'm certainly not saying this is everybody, but a lot of people that I have known or know, a really good majority."

So, if I only ever saw sharks in the Bahamas, even after traveling to other beaches, I can accurately conclude that sharks only attack people in the Bahamas. Because anecdotal evidence always trumps facts.

I wouldn't be so quick to call other people idiotic.

- 534 - 03-03-2014 03:04 AM


- Amie Kitten - 03-03-2014 03:20 AM

Idiotic people are all over the world, we have them in the uk too, some of them run the country

- Esme - 03-03-2014 03:23 AM

There are idiots everywhere. But stupidity seems to be more strongly encouraged and rewarded, and intelligence chastised in the U.S. than in any other culture I've encountered. It's really frightening.

- Jeremy - 03-03-2014 03:36 AM

Each country is different, and each country has its idiots and stupidity.
I have been to countless countries and lived in United States, Europe, and Russia.
There are pros and cons to each culture.

In France, for example, customer service is often horrible and the company is always right, not the client.
During my recent trip to Paris, everything was really nice, with two exceptions:
> At a museum, I bought a ticket, and its barcode did not work. According to them, the ticket was thus not valid, it was not their fault, and not their problem. After arguing, they finally let me through, but made it look like an exception and a favor.
> The hotel clerk barely said a word during check-in (I've never seen him again, so maybe he was fired).

During my recent trip to Scotland, I have been turned away by Fast-Track Security at Edinburgh airport because the clerk was too lazy to scroll down and make sure that I am not in the system before telling me off. I arrived a bit earlier than I specified in the Fast-Track reservation, but he did not properly check to see if that is the case. So I had to return with the Fast Track confirmation.

Earlier this year, I was going to go to Toronto for one day for sightseeing. The Canadian immigration refused entry clearance, because I asked for a souvenir passport stamp and happened to have a business suit in my luggage.

People are dumb everywhere.
Some day I will write a book about it.

By the way: I've known people in the U.S., who were never late to work. It depends.

- Molly - 03-03-2014 03:51 AM

The sentence that starts off with "Honestly" I see so many errors. It should be *has, also there should not be an and after canceled, and you spelt canceled wrong... *appointments it's plural.

"do is be" just shows how ignorant you truly are.

Not to mention that shouldn't all be in one, that should be in three separate paragraphs.

I'm not a grammar Nazi. However, considering the topic that you're discussing, you should really make sure you don't make mistakes like that.

P.S To say all the citizens of the United States are idiotic- is idiotic itself.

- . - 03-03-2014 04:07 AM

It´s all over the world. That is, what all the government wants - thoughtless, tv consuming vending androids.