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Why are my parents so strict and uptight about everything? - Printable Version

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Why are my parents so strict and uptight about everything? - Jack - 03-03-2014 03:35 AM

My parents took way my phone and it's been 4 weeks now because I was cussing in my texts and kept asking this one girl who she liked but that was in September! And I said I don't see anything wrong with cussing, which I don't! It's just the way I talk and my parents cuss a couple time a day around the house, what's the big deal? My parents are literally so uptight about everything! They make me work for everything, I know I am very fortunate, but I would like to not always have to work so hard all the time. I am a straight A student, but all my mom can see is the fact that I got an F on a quiz or C on a homework assignment. I act a LOT different around my friends at school and via text but now I feel like my parents know that about me which feels like I have no privacy. My parents won't let me have any social media which is super unfair because I feel left out during my friends discussions who all have it. They say no before thinking about what I want. And they don't like the people I look up to, as if they really care! YouTube is really important to me but they think I'm not able to understand the things I am watching even though I can! I'm not a little kid! They give me no freedom to express myself or any privacy let alone a social life. I feel like I can never tell them anything because they'll quickly judge or not like it. I want them to care about me, but I also want them to care about me enough that I can grow. They never ask me about my interests and always ask about school, I mean I want them to care enough to ask me how I feel, but I also don't want them to bother me. It seems like the people at school and my friends have so much more freedom than me. They don't teach me a lot of things that are important socially with kids my age. I didn't learn any swear words until I was 9 and I had to learn about a lot of things my friends talk about like sex jokes on my own because my parents would never think that I would need to learn those. Seriously, asking my friends how they are doing is not even gonna help. My parents have such high expectations for me and it's really stressful. I feel like I am always stressed out and thinking about something other than the present. I want to be able to live my life to the full extent because I feel like I'm not even living my life anymore, it's so boring and meaningless. I want to know something I could say to them to convince them to just let me be who I want to be and have freedom.

(When I am a parent, I will make sure my kid is happy and has freedom and privacy. I don't want them to hate me like I hate my parents.)

- bard3254 - 03-03-2014 03:49 AM


- Nikki - 03-03-2014 04:04 AM

show them exactly what you just wrote here! it's honest and respectable.

- Judy - 03-03-2014 04:07 AM

They just want you to be refined and not be distracted when you're studying by YouTube and your phone, since they find that a waste of time. They want the best for you like you being accepted into a good college and earning a nice living. You should just come out straight and tell them this- tell them how you feel or even send them an email or leave them a card where they can see it and read what you expect from them and try to compromise. I'm sure they'll understand.