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Did this girl ever liked me? - Arkchemist - 03-03-2014 04:08 AM

I dont see her anymore since we both graduated but... do you think she liked me, yes or no and why do you think so?

12th grade starts and about three days into school I see her walking with some guy. She looks at me for a like a second while she walks and then looks away. A few days later I'm at the mall and Im coming out and she's coming out and we saw each other and I looked away. I think she looked at me for like a second to two seconds. We never spoke or anything. I was at the schools office once and she was leaving the office and came back to get something else she forgot and stood right next to me, though she just looked straight ahead (if she liked me, why wouldn't she even look at me, right). Another time at the same office, I looked back to see the clock on the wall and she was sitting there looking in my direction. She then turned to her phone to text or something. Another time I'm at a Starbucks line and after I place my order, I notice she's next in line. She was however texting and decided to call someone instead of talking to me...another time I'm at the mall and I'm coming in and she's heading out with a friend and we both see each other, I look away like I don't care(though in my head I'm dying for her lol) and she looks at me for like 0.5 to a full second. Another time at the same. Mall during Christmas she noticed me and looked at me for like 2 full seconds or maybe a little more. She put sappy stuff on her phone as well, saying stuff like how she had been thinking of someone lately and how she shouldn't forget about him, or how there r plenty of fish in the sea. She even complained with some guy about how she was giving up on someone because that person never made an attempt to do something and she did all she could? Now, this girl is popular and last year she flirted with other guys and even approached them first when she though they were attractive( we had a class together, but again we never interacted)

On Twitter, she once complained about a person who never approached her and how she did all she could but he never did anything. She also retweeted a pic of a message saying how she's been thinking abut someone lately and how she needs to forget about that person...and she stated how scary that message was.

My friend told me it was all coincidence. That this girl couldn't have liked me. I mean, a super popular girl liking me but didn't approach me when she approached other dudes more attractive, wtf, right?

- Tim - 03-03-2014 04:24 AM

ok i see these kind of questions a lot on here. only the girl knows if she likes you or not, asking on yahoo answers isn't gonna give you a straight answer

- elizabeth - 03-03-2014 04:31 AM

She probably did like you but just didn't want to act like how she acts with other guys.

- Jvy - 03-03-2014 04:40 AM

Okay Tim is right!!! Dude just because a girl goes up to other guys doesnt mean she wants to do that all the time, maybe she want a guy who has the balls to go uo ther instead of being a pussy. Because thats what you sound like, if you liked this girl you should have told her how you feel, and now here you are explaing these coincidneces when you could of have known the answer by just telling her how you feel. And if you still want a answer to ur question its not to late. You can still contact her through her twitter!!! AND DONT BE A PUSSY THIS TIME!!!!

- Hannah - 03-03-2014 04:49 AM

Okay, I know this is scary, but I want you to breathe, and then I want you to contact her in any way possible. Text, Twitter, Facebook... however. The only way to find out if she likes you is to ask. Unfortunately, it has to be straight forward. You have a chance to find out, and since you have graduated there's a slim chance you'll see her again, so you have nothing to lose by just asking her if she, by any chance was talking about you. Put it politely but straightforward. If her answer is yes, then congratulations. If her answer is no, then I know it'll sting, but I promise you'll feel better about it. Smile

- Allan - 03-03-2014 04:58 AM

i think she likes u. and i DON'T think it is a coincidence. this kinda happened to except it was only in school that she stared at me and we dont keep in touch. there one one pic with a quote im pretty sure was referring to me. it can happen super popular guy like shy guy. she was probably shy around u. yes she is outgoing but people act different around the people they like. the girl i like liked me since freshman i was pretty shy so i never did anything.i think i liked her becuz she liked me and that has never happened before i think the girl i like got over me because i never did anything and forced myself not to like her becuz i never it was immposible to be with her. good luck u should try to talk to her.and dont end up like me p.s im the guy that asked the shy guy question
also she was probably nervous so she decided to text instead of talking to u

- Jokeste - 03-03-2014 05:12 AM

I agree with tim

- 859 - 03-03-2014 05:15 AM

Well, if she just looked at you when you were outside of school, then it could just be that you looked familiar. But yeah, when girls like people we don't stare as much...well not in public anyway.if we have them on any form of social networking though, we might stare at their photos on there..but that's about it. Also, it could be different if she likes you, she might be more scared of rejection, but from what you said it doesn't sound like she does. You could still give it a try though...... Also, make sure it's not just that you want her to like you, but that it's your gut telling you that or actual signs that she does.