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OKay my ex mae his boyfriend blockme from facebook.? - Printable Version

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OKay my ex mae his boyfriend blockme from facebook.? - Kurtis - 03-03-2014 05:46 AM

So I stopped talking to her and then she forced my best friend to make me talk to her. And now we talk everyday, tchnically I don't but she texts me all ady long and shit. She's saying that she still has feelings for me but can't break up with her boyfriend because his dad has cancer. So I recently added her on facebook again, so I noticed today that she made her boyfriend block me. What does it mean?
And mind you, I never asked her anything and I definitely don't wanna go back to her. So what does it mean? Does she think that her boyfriend's pictures with her's hurting me? Or she finds it weird because she knows that I have this bad habit of stalking people on facebook.
Okay he doesn't know me so she had to be the one who blocked me from her boyfriend's account. And she can't play me, use me or whatever you think she's doing, cause I never go out with her or her friends that much. I just went out with her and her friend just once and I didn't even pay and she's usually the one protecting me when someone's picking on me an I am extremely attractive and she's not.

- RockChickx - 03-03-2014 06:00 AM

Hes ignoring u

- Vee - 03-03-2014 06:14 AM

you need to stop talking to her. of course she blocked u bc she knows u stalk people. n u will forsure stalk her. so tell her to go her own way n you go on yours. since u say u r over her that wont be hard to do. Now go on with your life n keep stalking whoever u want except her she is playing u bro.