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my boyfriend flirting with other women on social media? - Printable Version

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my boyfriend flirting with other women on social media? - Ashlyn - 03-03-2014 09:52 AM

My so called bf of two years have been flirting with other women on sites like fb, twitter...ect. My main issue is his fb I am not a friend of his but through happenstance and some fb stalking I saw questionable post. He doesn't want me on his fb cause he claims I get angry over dumb things (I know lame excuse). Anyway recently I saw him write a post to another women and in it he wrote kisses to her. Also recently he was commenting on a muteral friends post-the original post was about sex and in the comment section another women named jessica was posting, he wrote jessica can join me. I find this very disrespectful and considering ending a 2year relationship. He says I'm being ridiculose and jealous, n none of it means anything. Wondering what others think. Fyi he's proven himself in the past to be untrustworthy.

- brick - 03-03-2014 10:08 AM

hes probably doing it because youre not giving him something that he wants, but he wont tell you unless you ask. if you are sexually active then idk what the problem is.

- Wiley - 03-03-2014 10:16 AM

You must suck as a GF otherwise he would not do it.

- fizixx - 03-03-2014 10:21 AM

"my boyfriend flirting with other women on social media"?

Exactly....what do you think most people have fb for? It's a Craig's List version of a hook-up site.

- Bluewave112 - 03-03-2014 10:25 AM

if hes proven to be unfaithful in the past then i say leave him but depends how if its like seeing other women or sleeping with em or signig up to dating sites then maybe yh. however why doesnt he want u on his fb hes obvs hiding things cuz if he werent then he wouldnt have to keep u of his fb

- David - 03-03-2014 10:37 AM

you sound like you are a very jealous person. He even isn't friends with you on fb because of your extreme behavior. I'd never put up with a g/f like that.