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Why do certain depressed people turn to self harm? - Printable Version

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Why do certain depressed people turn to self harm? - Eva - 03-03-2014 09:56 AM

I'm a teen and I could say self-harm would be more common with depressed peers.
I just wanna know why some people turn to this while in a state of anxiety or depression. Would it be used as a coping device? Distraction? A sense of release ? I never fully understood why one would endure physical pain while they're already enduring emotional pain.

Obviously I'm aware of self-harm and cutting due to the media and such, but I never questioned it until my friend recently told me that she would cut when she was going through social anxiety. The question "why?" never occurred to me until now. I just want a better understanding of this all. Thanks

P.s. If I've offended anybody with what I have said I'm really sorry, I know this is a really touchy subject.

- Leah - 03-03-2014 10:04 AM

I think it's because the physical pain distracts from the emotional pain, though I can see your point. Also, it seems that since many people do it and it's a well known thing to do, lots of depressed people try it and decide that it's helping when it isn't

- Rosalie - 03-03-2014 10:07 AM

People cut to feel better. Some cut because they feel like they deserve being punished somehow.
Most people cut to feel better. If they're going through alot of pain emotionally, they would feel good to feel something physically. Kind of like, another type of pain that makes them forget about their problems and everything that's bothering them for a little moment. You can say that it's some sense of relief. The worse their situation gets, the deeper they cut to feel more.
I used to cut when I was diagnosed with bipolar depression. I thought cutting was the best escape for me and I thought it made me feel better. But in reality, it just made everything alot worse. I found out about that when I got older. Once someone has started to cut, they can't quit unless they go to teraphy. It's pretty much the same thing as smoking and drugs. It's an addiction.

- Alaric - 03-03-2014 10:10 AM

I stopped about 6 months ago, its hard to explain why people do it. It makes them feel better. It makes it easier to cope.

- Jessica - 03-03-2014 10:11 AM

Pain releases feel good endorphins which allow the person a feeling of relief and / or happiness. It's like a drug and it's addictive.