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Do you use social media? - Printable Version

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Do you use social media? - ­ - 03-03-2014 10:38 AM

What sites do you use, and how often do you use it? What do you use it for?

If you have a blog, what style of blog is it?

What's your moon, mercury and their houses? and mercury aspects please. Tongue

- loveable - 03-03-2014 10:46 AM

I hate social media is think it's overrated all people do is post stupid stuff on Facebook and twitter. What have this world come to

Cancer lady
Moon gemini

- Anick - 03-03-2014 10:51 AM

Yes, I use social media to a minimum!
I have a Facebook account just to post pics of my family so my close family and friends who have scattered the world can have access to the kids pictures and so that we can keep in touch... Otherwise, I feel social media are over-rated and people are misusing these sites! Some people are so ridiculous that they post their most private and intimate affairs on FB and twitter for the world to see...Smile so sad!!!

- 812 - 03-03-2014 11:02 AM

atm, I have a Facebook account and a Pinterest account.
Facebook bores me... so I log in once a week, check the notifications, reply to the messages, chat with some random people and then log off.
Pinterest.. well, I go whenever I feel like. Again, I'm not very regular.. Smile)

Pisces moon 8H
Aries mercury 9H

Edit: oh ya, I have twitter as well.. But I don't really like it, and I hardly ever log in

- Epic band geek - 03-03-2014 11:06 AM

I tried to start a blog once and abandoned it. That is as far into social media as I've dared go. I have no facebook, twitter or any of that crap. If others like it, fine, that's good for them, but honestly there are so many psychological negatives surrounding all types of social media that I just don't have an interest in it. This website is the most chatting with people online I have ever done. I guess what I'm saying is I don't see the appeals, have other things I'd rather do and just don't feel like connecting with social media. But if you like it, whatever floats yer boat. Wink

- Killer - 03-03-2014 11:19 AM

i deactiviated my facebook.. it's so old and boring now. i got facebook first when it was in beta mode in 2005.. so im tired of it.

i just made a new formspring account. it's not bad.