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what do you think of the names we chose? - Printable Version

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what do you think of the names we chose? - MommyOfSix! - 03-03-2014 12:27 PM

Elowyn Lori
Ariella Kay
Lukas Michael

i asked this question last night and i am not sure how but i mixed up Ari's name with one of the names we were considering and one of my older daughters names. it was brought to my attention that i did this because i posted the error to social media as well. no idea where my head was at. but her name is Ariella not Avia. what do you think of the names we finally chose?
we welcomed the Triplets into the world via c-section sunday afternoon. i am so happy our family is complete. so tired already and we have many years of no sleep ahead. i am extremely sore and they are so tiny and hooked up to many tubes. but they are doing great, i got to hold two of them this morning, little Ellie is the smallest and i haven't been able to hold her yet. they should all be home within the month. I'm just glad they are all doing fairly well. Thank you all for the many months of support and help. No idea how we would have settled on names if it wasn't for this wonderful community of people. Thanks guys.

- None - 03-03-2014 12:36 PM

they sound lovely! very unique

- Rebecca* - 03-03-2014 12:51 PM

You were previously "Triplets in Utero", right? Smile I think I remember answering a couple of your questions a while ago.

I really like the names you picked! Smile they sound great together and are unique without being too weird. The only thing is, when you said "Ellie," I know you're talking about Elowyn, however, other people might not know that. They might be confused whether Ariella or Elowyn is Ellie. Ariella might even want to go by Ellie when she grows up and that might be problematic. :/ I also prefer Lucas spelled like this. I'm not wild about the names Lori or Kay, but I know they have meaning to you, and I think that's great. So yeah, I like the names -- they sound good together! Elowyn, Ariella, and Lukas sound good together.

Congrats on the triplets, and enjoy your family. Smile

- 851 - 03-03-2014 12:54 PM

Elowyn Lori -- I prefer Ellowyn spelled with two L's but the name is beautiful. I'm not too keen on your middle name though, Ellowyn needs a beautiful name to compliment it because it is so gorgeous. Have you considered Ellowyn Ophelia? Or Ellowyn Lorinda?

Ariella Kay -- Once again, BEAUTIFUL first name but a middle name that is nowhere as beautiful. Besides, Kay is a boys name. If it must have Kay in it, how about Ariella Kacie? Personally though, I like Ariella Mallory, Ariella Margaret, Ariella Coralie etc.

Lukas Michael -- I much prefer the spelling Lucas. Michael is a brilliant middle name!

- BLANK - 03-03-2014 01:07 PM

They all sound great.

- MommaBear - 03-03-2014 01:17 PM

I love Ariella it's beautiful ! How much did they weigh? Congrats!!

- vballsetter2 - 03-03-2014 01:32 PM

Congrats! Anyway.. Just my opinion.
Elowyn- 2/10
Ariella- 6/10
Lukas- 9/10

- Sam - 03-03-2014 01:34 PM

Elowyn Lori - it is a really pretty name