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Does this guy sound safe to meet ? - Printable Version

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Does this guy sound safe to meet ? - Kathy - 03-03-2014 01:30 PM

I was on a social networking site and met this guy who originally said he was 15. I'm at my aunts house for the holidays and I saw him on this site and we were going to meet up so we could have sex. I'm 17 btw. So today he admitted he was actually 25 and I saidd I was okay with it. We originally was gonna do it in his car but now he wants to go to his house. His parents supposedly live there with him and he said we could do it in his basement. And that they wouldn't hear us that way. Should I be safe to go ?

- Epitaph - 03-03-2014 01:46 PM

NO!!! Are you an idiot?!!! He lied tht he was 15.. he's 25? And living with he parents? You believe that??? In the basement where no one can hear you??? Holyshit you must be that special kind of stupid to think that's safe. He lied once why wouldn't he lie about all of it.
Have you not seen thoes movies where they keep the girl tied up in basements where she eventually gets killed? It happens in real life too!

- All American - 03-03-2014 01:56 PM

Why don't you act more responsibly.
This sounds like you don't consider the consequences for the future.
Why get involved with a person that will lie, just to use you.
Won't you feel any guilt when he discards you to stay with his other girlfriend.
Or you may very well feel some attachment after he seduces you, and you will be unhappy when he doesn't want a serious relationship. Don't get involved with a liar.
Are you so desperate that you must have sex with almost anyone. Why in a car.
You don't seem to have any self-respect.
He might be dangerous.

- JBunny6 - 03-03-2014 01:58 PM

Seems shady to me. Don't go!

- menykats - 03-03-2014 02:03 PM

This is a no-brainer! Of course, it's not safe to go to his house to have sex with him in his basement! You've never met this guy; you know nothing about him except that you have been talking to him on a social networking site, and he has been lying to you the whole time. This is how young women end up DEAD!

- Mhizz Kelly - 03-03-2014 02:07 PM

No it isn't safe to go. First he was 15 but now you're gonna meet, he's 25? That isn't right. He lives with his parents, so you're gonna have sex with his parents home or they may come home suddenly...
He can't do it in a room, so you're gonna do a quickie in a basement? A basement? My friend, you are worth something, don't treat yourself as if you're worth nothing.
Plus, as the other commenters said, the media provides shows with all kinds of people (children, teens, adults) being kidnapped via social media, in broad daylight.
Meeting this guy is not safe at all. Remove him from all social media sites you have him on. Reject the idea and try to start a fresh mentality.

One lie? There's no such thing, there is always a trail of lies following.

Best wishes!!

- Beth - 03-03-2014 02:19 PM

First of all, you do NOT need to be meeting ANYONE to "have sex" as you put it! Secondly, he LIED to you. He's 10 years older than he said!

You absolutely should NOT go. You sound very immature. And keep in mind, having sex comes with may consequences! Pregnancy, diseases..........