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Does bbm/facebook app cost abroad? - Printable Version

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Does bbm/facebook app cost abroad? - Coran Sharp - 03-03-2014 04:45 PM

I live in the u.k. and i'm going abroad to Spain.. I'm on contract ( with virgin ) and i was wondering if the facebook app(ususing the chat) Will cost? and will sending bbm's cost?
Thanks Smile

- Ash. - 03-03-2014 04:56 PM

im not sure about Facebook, but for the BBM, first of all, you need to ring up your service provider and ask them to turn roaming on for you other wise it wont find a network out there, but recently i was in ibiza and i picked up a network called 'movistar' yet it still linked to my real network 3, i got a text about prices for texts and calls and internet etc..
but after 2 days i got a text saying i'd spent £20!
My mate told me to do this, this doesn't take any money yet you can still text and call for the prices stated in the text. go into your blackberry connections scroll down, find 'mobile network options' and then the top 2 options you should have should say data services and while roaming and you should have the option to turn them on or off.
Do this:
Data services: on.
While Roaming: OFF.
your bbm wont work but calls and texts will Smile
Hope this helps.