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Online and Offline Marketing? - Printable Version

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Online and Offline Marketing? - Kapil Sunariya - 03-03-2014 06:56 PM

I am doing online marketing from last 5 years, i know each and everything about online marketing, but anyone can share with me about offline marketing with steps, what is the steps of offline marketing...
kapil sunariya

- Kham - 03-03-2014 06:58 PM

Offline marketing is about promoting through offline channels. This can be achieved through advertising in relevant magazines/newspaper, direct mail, letter drops, post on public notice boards etc.

If you already understand online marketing then be sure to integrate this into your offline for maximum results. For example, if you are advertising in a print magazine, be sure to include your website and a call to action to LIKE your page on Facebook or visit your website. If you do a letter box drop, have them register their details online to redeem their coupon.

As offline marketing is more costly due to the physical cost of printing, postage etc, be sure your offline marketing efforts are to a highly targeted active audience. Also be sure your advertising stands out, has impact and most importantly a call to action.

If you have a physical store, have forms available and encourage them to sign up to your email list.

- Alex - 03-03-2014 07:04 PM

Here is a video tutorial on offline marketing:

And here is a video tutorial on online marketing: