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Can a school student be in a relationship with a universty student? - Printable Version

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Can a school student be in a relationship with a universty student? - Musti - 03-03-2014 07:14 PM

I'm a school student, my country support Matriculation system that is why i'm in 9th grade, a week ago i added a Universty girl on my Facebook account, i think i really love her, i sent her a messege regarding her beauty but she did'nt replied, i wanna be in a relationship with her, what should i do?
Please do not answer something like "Get a life" or something.

- Liz - 03-03-2014 07:15 PM

Sounds like you're in love with her beauty more than you are with her. How about you focus on your education for now first, date a girl around your age, and get through high school & graduate? That's a much better plan. Reasons why might not have messaged you back 1) She might feel like a child molester, a baby sitter.

Older girls tend to go for older guys, not trying to be mean, just telling you how it is. Good luck,
Happy holidays!

- Britt - 03-03-2014 07:21 PM

Hey, Musti.

You're in the 9th grade, which means you are 14, 15, or

16. Your University girl will be 17 to 23.

That puts YOU and HER in the way of the Law Enforcement

Community. Now, a lot of young guys can get a

little confused as to the consequences of this.

But, there are two (2) of those to think about:

a: Prison Time....

b: Pregnancy

c: Both

You'd better consider.

Be very smart about this.

I know it's hard to be smart.

But, you do not realize how

young you are.


- Silencieuse - 03-03-2014 07:22 PM

I have an important question for you... does she know you?

- Resnick - 03-03-2014 07:28 PM

Yes. it is possible. All man is equal.