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Plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!? - Printable Version

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Plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!? - Shirsha - 03-03-2014 07:57 PM

7 years ago when i was 8yrs i had to move to a new town wid my parents,,so had to leave my old school.and then,as my mom once lost her cell phn i lost all contact with my old frndz.

now,7 years later 1 of my chilhood bst frnd found me in FB.through her i found othr frndz too.
one of dem was a boy,my old classmate,bt i cant remember him clearly(or i should say cant remember him at all).
bt frm the 1st day he is proposing me.I mean can u even imagine,,he dosent know me well,nor that we were very cls frndz i ingonored evrythng.

he became also a fb frnd,although we didnt talk very much.den 1day he made a fake account with a pro pic--I LOVE U(my name). den i consulted my present frndz.dey warned didnt change,one day he abused me very badly nd used slangs through fb,so i blocked him.

he also befriended with some of my present school frndz(nt very close ones) and collenting my informations nd some of my pics from them.

and now he made a fake profile with my name and my pic.anybody would believe that that is my profile.he is making comments in pictures,statuses(not abusive so far).and also wrote that im(the profile owner precisely,which is me fr othr people) in a relation with a boy(i dnt even know that boy)

what do i do now????????plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me.

oh,the one thing i forgot to tell. he also got my number frm that bst frnd i referred before.he uses many numbers so i cant actually find out when is he calling and when it is an important i always have to take the call.
he calls me anytime,texts me.even in midnight,i forbade him to do so,also my frnds did,bt nthng happened.
i also told him that i have a boyfrnd(i dnt actually) nd asked one of my close frnd to talk with him as my boy frnd.he did so.but that boy said,"i love her,and i can do whatever i like" nd ignored my frnd.
also one day he was calling me,so i switched off the phn.and i really dnt knw from where did he got our landline number.but he called at the landline nd when my mother received the call,he said that he is some other boy(i mean--he didnt tell his name,instead he told some other name).
i told my mum that it was a boy who is bothering me frm a long time bt she told me not to worry.

bt now i have to worry.what will i do if he does something bad with my pics which he has or abuse someone form tha fake profile.

i jst dnt knw wht to do.plzzz help me.

my mom still dosent knw about the fake profile thing,bt im intend to tell her today as soon as she gets home frm i dnt knw how's that going to help.

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me.plzzzzzzzzzz.

- Jignesh - 03-03-2014 08:05 PM

I think you should go to a Police station instead of waiting for answers on Yahoo.

- Blue Planet - 03-03-2014 08:10 PM

You do not ever have to pick up your phone if you do not have caller ID simply make a voicemail and let your phone pick up the call if you do not want to talk to that person then do not call them back either that or tell your parents what is happening and change your phone number and tell your friends do not give your number out to anyone. You can even make a new Facebook account and only let certain people be friends you can block anyone. You can also text Facebook and report what this boy is doing To your account. If he continues to be a threat to you tell him you are going to report him to the police. Do not show him any attention and do not talk to him that is what he is wanting, He's wanting to cause you all this drama.