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How to stop your friend's friends from seeing you on Facebook? - Printable Version

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- Faul McCartney - 03-03-2014 09:24 PM

Tell your uncle to delete his Facebook account.

- 918 - 03-03-2014 09:38 PM

You can delete the ones you don't want, and then change the privacy settings.

- Rom Cartridge - 03-03-2014 09:49 PM

Blocking someone makes your account invisible to that user, and that user's account invisible to you. This guide will show you how to block someone on Facebook:

Good luck!

- ckngbbbls - 03-03-2014 09:56 PM

he can also make his Facebook so only his currant friends can see any of his posts. He will have to go into his account privacy settings and change things there...I believe.
He also does not have to accept anyone as a friend if he doesn't know them and in fact he can report them. It is illegal, on facebook, to solicit strangers as "friends" from people you don't know. Or at least thats what I was told.