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Where to socialize when you're in you're early twenties ? (please read)? - Printable Version

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Where to socialize when you're in you're early twenties ? (please read)? - Brittany - 03-03-2014 09:45 PM

So basically I've lost all of my childhood/highschool friends since moving to my current neighborhood a few years back. And the people from surrounding areas who tried to befriend me turned out to be weirdos. The neighborhood itself is ghetto, unsanitary, the shops are unhealthy (I'm a vegetarian btw) and the crime rate sometimes escalates a bit. I don't fit in at all. Most of the girls around here are kinda skanky, have baby daddy drama, superficial and don't seem to take care of themselves. Most of guys are completely disrespectful towards woman, look at them like they are pieces of meat, talk to them like they are all sex objects and can't seem to talk about anything else but weed, money, sex and alcohol.

I am consistently always looked at funny because I dress differently or made fun of because I step to the bear of my own drum. Once they find that I don't talk like them or
they find that I'm not claiming to be a "bad b*tch" and purposely do stupid things for attention......they walk off. I spent many years online as a teen up until 21 just chatting with folks. But after a while these seemingly "nice" people turned out to be either sociopaths, users/abusers, selfish, catty, unreliable, etc. I got too tangled on there and one day just detatched myself from chat rooms and etc because I was ignoring too many of my responsibilities.

Nowadays I'm even pretty tired of social media. I deleted my Facebook because there were too many weirdos, fake friends and friend collectors. Twitter to me is basically like Facebook. I've grown tired of most forums that pertained to some of my interests because the people on there were pompous elitist jerks. And the rest of the social sites I tried were just boring or turned out to be sex crazed. Virtual reality games I tried were just full of negative and toxic people with issues and the rest just sucked. The only place I'm really active on is a fashion themed blog that I made and a gaming site where I share creations of mine.

I really want to get out to different places and take classes (yoga, pottery, sewing, paranormal, etc) but I'm anxious about having to pay a lot of money or they will be full of older people. An aquaintence of mine recommend that I go to concerts more but my music taste kinda just drastically changed recently and I'm not feeling the bands that I use to like for a few years anymore. Should I just try it anyways ? lol , also could anyone suggest additional great places\events\etc for someone within my age group. ?

- WhipSnap - 03-03-2014 10:01 PM

It would help if you could move to a lot less slummy area definitely away from the "hood". Good hang out places today are the same as they have always been...the coffee shops, especially those that cater to artist, music, performance crowds,