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Why has twitter stock basically doubled in a short time? - Printable Version

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Why has twitter stock basically doubled in a short time? - MrBojangles - 03-03-2014 10:00 PM

Everybody said this was bad stock 1 month ago. The people who said it was bad knew little since a lot of people doubled their money. Now they call it a cult stock.

If a stock doubles your money who cares if it is bad stock? What difference does that make? It's irrelevant is it not?

- Silly Goose - 03-03-2014 10:10 PM

The folks running the company were selling off their own shares at $26 a pop as recently as a month that SHOULD inform you that the price is not being driven up by "rational investors" but rather by speculation...

Does it "matter" if the underlying stock is not worth the price? Only if you are holding a large number of tulip bulbs the day the world "comes to its senses" and you run out of suckers willing to pay over a year's salary for a tulip bulb!