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Can my boss force me to add them to a Facebook group? - Printable Version

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Can my boss force me to add them to a Facebook group? - Rachel - 03-03-2014 11:18 PM

I'm in a group on Facebook made up of current and former employees at my former place of work. It's meant as a social group to maintain connections and friendships, with the occasional work-related announcement about a meeting time and that's about it.

My boss found out about the group and was upset that the group had members that were no longer employees and wanted access and administrative rights so they could see what was posted and control who was a member (they intended to remove all former staff members). I tried to explain the group wasn't really work related and I could make them one that was solely for work and current employees that they could administer but they said that the group was their property.

I'm just curious to know if they have any legal rights to gain access to this page or not.

- Yolo - 03-03-2014 11:29 PM


- Ban - 03-03-2014 11:38 PM

absolutely not.
facebook is private and if your boss tries to barge in and take over, that is a breach of personal privacy - whether it be in a group of co-workers, or your close family.

does you boss come to your house and tell you that you cannot invite ex-employees to your private bbq party??
same deal on FB

- Cole - 03-03-2014 11:46 PM

For 1 thing never tell your boss you have FB in the first place, and change your settings so your not listing in the public search, and keep everything private to friends only. Simple, I don't know why people don't do that.

Your boss has no right or control of what you do on FB. He sounds like a prick