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Should I obey my mom or follow my dreams? - Printable Version

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Should I obey my mom or follow my dreams? - ♥ Skylar♥ - 03-03-2014 11:34 PM

Ok, so you know that Asian parents can be strict right? Well my dad is not. My mom is. She is not crazy strict, but she can be strict about school, dating, friends, Facebook, etc. Some of you guys might be familiar with the other questions I ask like, Will I able be an actress or How will I ever be an actress. You can click on my yahoo answer profile... Anyway my mom wants me to be a nurse, accountant, teacher, etc. But those jobs I dislike for many reasons. Yes those reasons are reasonable. I think I should choose a job to do something I love when growing up. I choose acting, cause I realize all those years when I was little I loved acting. I love to pretend to be someone for fun. My dad is not against this. Few months ago, my mom thinks I want to be a singer. It's not true. She said everyone in our family wants to be a singer and bla bla bla cause I don't remember the rest. She said I should just get a random job that will make me get a lot of money and stuff. I didn't tell her I want to be an actress. I have a feeling she would be against it. If I'm 18 and moving to hollywood, she would probably screamed at me or something and I will end up sneaking to the airport or just cry for the rest of my life. I don't know. I'm only 13

- Yonuel - 03-03-2014 11:43 PM

I think u should follow your own dreams dude

- Takki - 03-03-2014 11:55 PM

Number one thing about acting...
It is NOT your day job.
Ever. Unless you become ultra-famous, which you should not count on.
You need to have another plan in place.

I took an Intro to Theatre course and my teacher would emphasize that acting is not a day job. Yes, you can get paid well at times, but it's not a job you can count on.

edit: Just wanna say:
Follow your dreams, but you need to always have a back up plan to support yourself. You can still aspire to be an actress, but you need to have a plan to support yourself.

- Annie - 03-03-2014 11:57 PM

your mom doesn't have to tell you what your going to be, Its your Choice so follow your dreams

- ღDem♥ - 03-04-2014 12:00 AM

Follow your dreams. Your parents may tell you what to do now, but when your and adult, your gonna be in charge of your own life, so stuff that, be what you want to be!

- Lauren - 03-04-2014 12:15 AM

When I was 13 I had the dream to be a Phlebotomist but my parents didn't think I would be able to because I was never good in school and always got in trouble. I am 16 now and in my first semester in college with A's ( enrolled in Phlebotomy). After actually going for what I wanted to do and convincing my family they finally supported me on being in Phlebotomy. My point is, just keep with it, don't give up. Sit down and talk to her about it. Follow you're heart. Once you're at the appropriate age she won't be able to do anything about it. Good luck and hopefully my story helped you. I fully support you.

- Natsfan12 - 03-04-2014 12:19 AM

Here's what you do. To find out if you really want to act start going to auditions and acting classes at your local theater they have classes and plays. Take some acting classes see if you really like it. Then you can pursue your dreams but check it out locally first. Its hard Ive done it. Taking an acting class will definitely open your eyes. Its fun and challenging. Do it enjoy it and if you are good your mom will be on board.

- me - 03-04-2014 12:25 AM

I do believe that your mom is only trying to look out for your best interests according to HER standards. You have other ideas. Perhaps you should get involved in various theatrical classes and activities in school so that when you do get a part in a play your mother can come and observe you in action and she may change her mind if you are really good.

Show Business is an exciting life but very unstable. It's rare to have a good paying job in the acting field that is ongoing and reliable. Your mother is probably thinking of careers that are very sound and dependable.

Both you and your mother have a lot of time to do some "give and take" on what you should and shouldn't do as a profession. Be willing to make some compromises and perhaps she will also.

- Anonymous. - 03-04-2014 12:36 AM

Follow Your Dreams