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how can you get a law to be changed? - Printable Version

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how can you get a law to be changed? - maron - 03-03-2014 11:48 PM

- Jay - 03-04-2014 12:00 AM

Form a pressure group outlining the reasons why a law needs to be changed/repealed. Write to news media, publish articles, organise petitions, write to supportive politicians, establish a website etc, even take to social media such as twitter and facebook. If possible raise money to employ PR agents and lobby groups with better access to the law makers to represent you and present your case. Join a political party and speak at political rallies etc in an attempt to get a law changed. Write to Congressional committees/parliamentary committees and try and get an opportunity to present your case to them.

What is most important is that you are in command of the reasons why you want the law to be amended.

- bcnu - 03-04-2014 12:16 AM

What law, where? Changing the federal constitution is pretty hard. Changing the local zoning ordinance might be pretty easy (or not). Seriously: there are federal, state, county and municipal laws, not to mention thousands of "agencies" that have regulations, all of which have specific procedures for amendment.

As a general rule, if you do not have broad support of those in the legislative body that enacts the laws, you cannot hope to have any laws changed. Even if you had a great idea that costs nothing, it will die in committee hearings unless you have enough powerful allies in the process. It's called "politics".

- Mom Of Twins - 03-04-2014 12:19 AM

if you have to ask that kind of question on yahoo answers the all i got to say is good luck. and as far as changing the child support laws that is not going to happen. most people don't want to have to pay for someone else child when the deadbeat parent don't and the other parent has to go on welfare to feed the kids. that is why the law is in affected. from reading your other question it seem like you or someone close to you was put in jail for not paying child support. all the support you going to get in changing this law is from other deadbeat parents. so i might be harsh but its the truth. we have to many people on welfare as it is. in future i would not be surprised if we don't start seeing harsher punishment for parent that walk out on financial responsibility for the children. know one force them to have children they can't afford why should the children pay for their parents mistakes.

- Frank Fritz - 03-04-2014 12:31 AM

i Do not understand your question please specify in order to be able to help you

- Liz - 03-04-2014 12:39 AM

Your question is stupid and pointless. It's impossible to answer without further information. Not all laws are the same. Are you talking about a federal law, state law - which country's law are you referring to? Your question is like saying "how can you cook a meal" but not saying if you want to cook a steak or a dish of spaghetti.