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Anyone else want social media to just die out? - Printable Version

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Anyone else want social media to just die out? - Skyler - 03-04-2014 01:25 AM

I am kind of sick of social media. I realized why it is hard to make friends, because nobody talks anymore or go outside. I would do the same of everyone else did. I wouldn't have a problem with that, except Youtube and Vine. For like the past 5 years, ever since Facebook, that's all anyone has been doing. And I have been watching older movie and it looked so fun back then! Do you think this stuff will end soon? Or is more coming?

- Barbie S - 03-04-2014 01:38 AM

I wish it would hurry and die. All it is for is data mining for corporations and spook agencies. It has taken what was a peoples free internet and given it to corporate whores. A few people now make billions off the internet. Before social networking many thousands of mom and pop operators made the money.