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Facebook Question - Privacy Settings? - James W - 03-04-2014 09:21 AM

I have about 15 people on my FaceBook that I don't want to see anything I post. They are mainly a group of my family, but they are very nosy people. Anything they can find on a family member they use it against them. Unfortunately they all got angry at me because I wouldn't add them. So I read up on FB's privacy settings and decided I would.

I added all of my family members and a few non-friends that added me, but I put them in a friends list called. "Don't Allow Post" For several months I thought it was working until I came home from college for Christmas. I found out today that all of my posts and my profile are hidden like I wanted, but it still shows up on their news feed:

"James commented on <Enter Person's Name Here's> status" and then proceeds to show them exactly what I said and even allows them to see the entire conversation I had with people they aren't even friends with.

I don't like this at all. The main reason for blocking them with the friends list was so that they would be 100% out of my social life and I could get them family v. social completely separate. Is there any way to block them from viewing my comments and keep them as my friend or do I have to put them on the block list? If I do that, they are all going to b**ch about it and whine until I re-add them. Is there anything I can do?
I have done that. I've went into my privacy settings and customized them to only be viewable to a certain friends list and to be hidden from another friends list. I've tried everything to do this. And yes, I have thought about deleting my FaceBook page, but the problem with that it is my main form of communication with my high school friends in college. Not to mention, I would just have to make another when I start my engineering courses. I'm required to make a FB group for my design project. Are you all sure there is nothing else?
It isn't that I am over anxious about it. I am not posting inappropriate things on statuses and such. I just don't want them in my social life. They see things I've commented about, I get asked about it. They want in my social loop and I don't want it happening. Everyone needs to have a life away from their family. Their family doesn't need to know everything going in a person's life. It was whine if I didn't add them or whine over something I posted. I just need to know how to block them. Nothing else.

- Kevin - 03-04-2014 09:28 AM

nope you have to go in that order. You could always delete your facebook page. There is all kinds of privacy problems with them and myspace. I mean do you really care about status updates. "Becky is going out to eat" Golly gee. haha

- Frieda Baughman - 03-04-2014 09:41 AM

in the privacy setting you can set the option as hide from specific people look at that

- Doesnt Matter - 03-04-2014 09:43 AM

settingss :/

- kim o,shea - 03-04-2014 09:51 AM

make a new facbook pg and dont tell them about it .... just leave them as your friend on your old page

- KooKoo Molookoo - 03-04-2014 10:06 AM

I think you're being a bit over-anxious about it. If you're posting things on facebook that are inappropriate for the family to see, then just don't post it on the wall, use the chat or private message instead. And if there is nothing inappropriate, then there's nothing to worry about is there

- Radia - 03-04-2014 10:08 AM

Why don't you block the 15 people of your facebook and pretend you deactivated your account? That way they wouldnt be able to view your page at all. That's what I did