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should i text her ????? - Printable Version

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should i text her ????? - Hgb Fgh - 03-04-2014 11:48 AM

hello recently this girl i used to talk to found me on instagram liked all my pics and asked for my #. i gave it to her and me and her starting texting. its really weird because she would text me saying hi or sumthn. ill text her back and after like 2-3 texts she does not text back. she also takes about a hour or so just to reply back. i really dnt understand because she textes me first lol sometimes i text her and the same thing happens. should i keep texting her ?? should i ask her why she doesn't text back ??? girls help me out why would she not text back just curious.

- Joey - 03-04-2014 12:02 PM

You could grow a pair and actually call her, you know speak person to person. You will find out more about her from a couple hours on the phone than you will in a month of lame ass text messaging. Time to man up if you are interested in her.

- Aiden - 03-04-2014 12:14 PM

She might be tantalising you. Text her every day, be persistent.

- Love.Canada - 03-04-2014 12:30 PM

beware of scams... ensure the number is local

- Inevitable. - 03-04-2014 12:38 PM

Forget her she fuxking creepy

- Wanderer - 03-04-2014 12:46 PM

I think she might be teasing you or some sort.
If you like her, you can maybe text her everyday or call her once in a while. If she replies to every text or answers your call, tyhen you can see where it leads. If she's playing you, she's probably not worth your time.