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I need suggestions to get my girlfriend back.? - Printable Version

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I need suggestions to get my girlfriend back.? - Corey - 10-15-2012 07:44 PM

Not to long ago me and my girlfriend had broken up. FYI I'm 16. What happen was that I texted her saying why her mom hated me. We were gonna sleep over but her mom decided to wait for her dad to come to the lake house before I sleep over. I got upset cuz I thought she didn't trust me. And she mispercept me thinking I was being mean I wasn't I was skeptical and grumpy. She also thought I was mean to her daughter and I wasn't.we only got into two arguments other then that we were fine. She also needs to understand that no relationship Is perfect if somebody says they never got into an argument in a realitionship, well then there's something wrong with that. Anyways getting back to my point. My ex isn't allowed to text me email me. Her mom told her to block me on Facebook. I've tried writing 5 page letters to her parents saying sorry and everything they never responded. I was nice to my ex I bought her a teddy bear a keychain with her name on it. I also bought her flowers. I gave her, her first kiss. I was nice to her. She gave me respect, she listened, she was honest, she was truthful,nice, and beautiful. I love her still I know she still loves me. She added my star wars Facebook account. All my friends said that the fact she added my star wars account which is the character kit fisto(she knew I was a huge star wars fan and she know that it's me) proves and also her way of saying that even though my parents won't let me talk to you I still love you so much.And I couldn't agree more with that. Right now she's like a princess stuck in a castle. I'm out of ammo I don't know what to do or how to compromise with her parents. I know there's a way to get her back. I just can think of it right now. There's also an old saying there's a time and a place when a man of good conscious can't always blindly follows ones order. I know she's the right girl for me. It's only a matter of getting through to her parents. I need really realistic suggestions please.

- Daz - 10-15-2012 07:52 PM

Okay, make a slideshow. Put pictures and videos of you two together and play this song over the top of it
Also through out the slide show write in text on the screen stuff like "please forgive me, im so sorry" and "i didn't mean to seem rude, please find it in your heart to forgive me" and etc.
Also after that you may want to slow down on all the flowers and stuff a bit other wise they will think you are a proper psycho.

- El J - 10-15-2012 07:52 PM

if her parents speak a different language than Eng than learn that language and speak to her parents in that language its common knowledge that a different language is hard to learn and her parents may or may not respect that and give you a 2nd chance

- Victoria - 10-15-2012 07:52 PM

go to her house, this time bringing flowers to her mom. ask her parents if you can come in and discus the whole situation. then simply explain how it was a long night you wer tired and did not in any way mean to seem rude, and that you love ther daughter very much and would like to prove it to them in any way that they seem fit

- lorene - 10-15-2012 07:52 PM

Give her some space after the break-up.The harder you try the situation become more worse and she will definetly walk away. If she says she needs some time, respect her decision. Do not call her every minute of the day.

Don`t ever try to beg her. This is one common thing many people tries but failed to get their girl back. Even if you are actually desperate to win her back, do not turn clingy.

You can present her all over again with flowers, chocolates and letters. But while the gifts can draw a smile, winning her back will require a more personal and sincere efforts.

Make her feel that you are worthy of a second chance. Use the time you have spent apart since the break-up to reflect this.

Think again your qualities that attracts her towards you. Play up your strengths. Become the man she first fell for.

You should figure out what exactly went wrong with your relationship. Think in your head the conversations, and even fights, you had.

After you get to know what went wrong in your relationship, call her for a meet or try to talk to her. You can even take help from your mutual friends in this to arrange a meet for both of you.

When she does agree to a conversation, humbly apologize for your all wrong doings and take responsibility for your actions. Here comes an important step, don`t just stop at sorry, convince her all the way and make her realise that your relationship deserves a second chance.

Do not, however, force the reconciliation. Show her how much you want to be with her. Let everything else fall back into place.Assure her that you will completely respect her decision. Remember, once again you shouldn`t force her at any cost.

Use the above tips, decide your action plan and have guts to show her that you actually loved her very much. She will be definetly yours. Good Luck. Have faith in yourself of making everything right and back into its place.