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Relationship Problem? - Printable Version

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Relationship Problem? - JANEY B - 03-04-2014 02:10 PM

I found my partner of 7yrs had set up a twitter account and forgot to tell me, but remembered to tell his ex wife and other friends.... He knew my account name but didn't look for me! When I found the account the only person he'd been twittering (bantering with) was his ex wife. I'm suppose to see this as light hearted banter and nothing to worry about!! How would others see this situation?

- shigirl_85 - 03-04-2014 02:20 PM

I would see this as a breach in trust because this is an account he uses frequently, but he conveniently forgot to tell you he had it but friends, and his ex wife know about it. The account, and their bantering is not really the issue its that he didn't tell you about it for a reason I would find out his reason for not telling you then go from there.

- Helpful Answers - 03-04-2014 02:32 PM

This issue obviously means a great deal to you and this fact should be communicated to your partner, but first consider other issues between the two of you and why this particular issue is particularly hurtful to you. Perhaps it it is a part of an ongoing pattern of events that you've simply ignored as trivial. When you've now discovered this, perhaps other past behavior is now beginning to make sense. Act accordingly. You have the power to do so.