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On facebook how to make different friend columns? - Printable Version

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On facebook how to make different friend columns? - limegreenmac - 03-04-2014 05:02 PM

Some of my friends on their facebook they have their friend column on their profile then they have another column that is labeled 'Best friends' or 'besties' and I want one! but when I ask my friends how they do it they say they forgot... ugh they make me mad... Does anyone know how to do this?

- 808 - 03-04-2014 05:04 PM

Go to your profile and go to your info. There should be a gear. Click on that and on the left go to relationships or people then go from there

- Jane - 03-04-2014 05:08 PM

well it before facebook changed you could go to your profile, click friends then click on the make new list button.. simple... but i don't think you can make different friend lists anymore, i tried. and also all my friends on facebook they used to have special friends lists but now they're all mysteriously gone. hope that helped <3