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Can any facebook games hold a virus? - Printable Version

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Can any facebook games hold a virus? - Rosebud - 03-04-2014 05:03 PM

Just trying to be careful when I'm there...what do you think? could there be a virus in some of the games? if so, then which ones?

- bluemoon00 - 03-04-2014 05:13 PM

its impossible!

- Julia - 03-04-2014 05:24 PM

Can they? Sure. Will they? Probably not. Because that is such a popular site, the people that work at Facebook probably run multiple tests to ensure that there are no viruses. Because think about it: If people got viruses, no one else would join. Therefore, they wouldn't make any money from advertisements, etc.

Hope this helps,.


- Maria - 03-04-2014 05:31 PM

No, it cant unless you click something,
by clicking something i mean downloading something or giving out your personal info. some games can be Dangerous though...

- Beau - 03-04-2014 05:48 PM

yes of course... if it gets by the facebook application review people. that's always very likely. Facebook already lets scam companies advertise on it's site all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if they purposely let things slip by "unnoticed" if they were paid enough.

- Boondhi - 03-04-2014 05:51 PM

it wont hold the swind flyu one at least.