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How can I socialize and make real friends? Please help me!!!!!!!? - Printable Version

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How can I socialize and make real friends? Please help me!!!!!!!? - Tiger On Fire - 03-04-2014 08:41 PM

Hi, I am a fourteen year old female in my freshmen year of high school. I have a problem socializing and communicating with both strangers and people I've known for years. I don't get it, and it's making life really difficult and upsetting and it causes TONS of problems in my daily life that go beyond what you'd expect. This is kind of hard for me to explain because I don't quite get it myself, but I'll try to explain it right:

I am an introvert. According to Myers-Briggs I'm a INFJ type (yes, I've done my research and tried to fix this). In my school, I find most everyone else to be intolerable. I don't mean to sound arrogant; what I mean is that they are full of themselves and senseless and they don't care about anything or anyone (except their phones and trucks and $300 beats audio headphones, that is). They are loud and they try to pick fights with everyone who comes along. I am a particular interest of many remarks because I am short and I am female. My height does not bother me, but their stupidity does. I would never want to be around any of them longer than I have to. That being said, my options for establishing actual friendships are limited. I have a few people I've known since middle and elementary school, but we're, well, different. I understand that friends are different from one another, but this is hard to work with:

My friend "Anna" spends her days listening to pop music that is extremely explicit, watching movies that are equally explicit, stalking celebrities, etc.
My friend "Cassandra" watches Lifetime movies often, goes to thrift shops on weekends to buy old records (like Johnny Cash), and keeps up with celebrities (not to the level of stalking, though).
My friend "Jessica" is rather random and we have a handful of inside jokes from school field trips and English class incidents. She has some issues with her other friends and rumors (not with me).

Anna and Cassandra are very extroverted. Jessica wants to carry on conversations, humorous, more often than not. They all seem to expect me to talk as much as they do. However, I am more of a listener. I don't really know what to say. People tell me just start talking and the words will flow. Yeah, well they don't for me. And it doesn't help that my friends are into things totally different than me. I spend most of my free time writing several novels-in-progress. Medicinal herbs are more interesting to me than the newest celebrity breakup (I can't stand celebrities, if you haven't guessed). I'd rather walk in the woods than go to Hollywood. They want to talk about movies I haven't and don't want to see, singers so old even my great-great-grandfather probably wouldn't have heard of them, and so on. And these are people I've known for years! How can I talk to people I've never even met?! I have no interesting stories to tell because my parents are extremely strict and will barely let me walk to the mailbox for fear of kidnapping...yep. I am extremely different from everyone I know. I don't expect to find a twin, I just wish I could find someone who would at least TRY to understand me and with whom I could relate to in some way or another. And by the way, I can't use social media. Anna must like me at least a little, because she has taken me a few places and I've spent the night at her house a couple times. But there's a lot of awkward silences. Jessica and Cassandra, we're not that close, though. I want to establish good friendships with these people but I just don't get it! No one seems to really want me around because my stupid tongue can't find the words! I used to have plenty of friends and socialize well, but then I don't know what happened. I mean, sometimes I can carry a decent conversation, but then what? I can't talk about the same thing everyday! Maybe if my friends really knew who I was we could talk, but I can't just walk up and say, "Hey, let me tell you my life story!" I don't want to live through high school, the 'best years of my life' like this. My lack of words is ruining me.

Okay, so I know that's a lot, but please try to help me. Everyone says 'just be yourself' but the problem is 'myself' forgot where she left her conversation skills. I will appreciate any advice. But please don't suggest that I practice with parent/sibling/etc. because everyone says that too but we, well, let's just say we don't get along too well. AT ALL.

Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssseeeee help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Tay - 03-04-2014 08:46 PM

Sorry but being yourself is the best answer. You can try being more outgoing. Like try more new things, be open minded,
Talk more. I used to be introverted and quiet now I have several groups of friends that I trust.

1. Join conversations. Your not being a pest unless you mock they're opinions or it's something personal and none of your business.

2. Play sports, join clubs, read more popular books and try more places to meet people

3. Social media like Instagram, Twitter, KIK, Facebook and even yahoo answers are good places to meet people