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My friend left me alone on our holiday overseas for a guy? - Printable Version

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My friend left me alone on our holiday overseas for a guy? - CalM - 03-05-2014 12:15 AM

I invited my friend to Bali that I was already going on with my dad but he does his own thing so he told me to bring someone I could go out with.

Upon arriving my friend tells me that the guy she has been seeing for 2 months may be coming. I told her that I didn't want him here and that it was a trip for her and I to enjoy.

Long story short she didn't tell him not to come and he booked his flights.

The day before he arrived I found out he has a girlfriend. He has told her that he hates her and he has told her to leave his house but she won't leave and he's worried about forcing her as they have a 5 year old who he thinks will be taken away from him. It says he is in a relationship with this other woman on facebook.

I got mad and told her to choose between him or I and that I refused to hang out with them together. She said I was unreasonable and to hear his side. I said no and kicked her out the hotel.

Have I done wrong? She says I've ruined my own holiday and I'm a brat

- bill g - 03-05-2014 12:24 AM

unfortunately she is the selfish brat who has stuffed up the holiday for both of you at your expense , not sure which fork in the road you take now , save to be rid of her as a friend --- good luck

- Silver119 - 03-05-2014 12:29 AM

I think you were both being selfish. Tbh you invited her on the holiday with you but just because you invited her doesn't mean she HAS to spend every minute there with you. Go talk to some other people while your there and make some friends.

Your friend was being selfish because she also should've taken your feelings into account instead of inviting her guy along to basically have a holiday with him instead of you.

You two need to find some sort of middle ground. What's wrong with you spending some time with both of them. hell, introduce him to your dad. he could spend some time with him and you and your friend can be alone.

- Roz - 03-05-2014 12:33 AM

I feel that you are 100% correct and she is NOT seeing things from your prospective. Ask her to put herself in YOUR shoes for a moment and have her honestly tell you how she would feel if she were in your shoes and you were in Her shoes. If she is honest and truthful, she will realize that what she is asking you is totally unfair to you. IF she is such a great friend, she will see your side and first apologize and secondly make things right. If she doesn't, it just means that she is NOT the "friend" you thought she was and possibly it might be time for you to let her go as your "friend" and find some new "friends". Best of luck to you as you sound like a very nice person.

- cal - 03-05-2014 12:43 AM

See, the problem is your choice in friends. Make some good friends and evil things won't happen Smile