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How can Mark Zuckerberg earned his money with his free Facebook services? - Printable Version

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How can Mark Zuckerberg earned his money with his free Facebook services? - Yong MingWei - 03-05-2014 12:16 AM

He has a huge of net worth, isn't he?

- Lunt - 03-05-2014 12:19 AM

The way most companies who offer their services for free do: advertising.

Quite simply, each Facebook user is associated with a profile which catalogs their interests, hobbies, liked pages and so forth. This information can then be used by Facebook to target specific advertisements your way.

Obviously, you don't have to click any of the ads, although it's undeniable that a lot do. However, the profit comes from the businesses and companies who pay Facebook to use their social networking medium as a means to promote a specific product or service.

- Don - 03-05-2014 12:32 AM

Facebook is full of advertisements. Anybody can have advertisements about an event, a product or other things, all of these come at a great cost as it is showed to tons of Facebook members, and there's more than 1 billion Facebook members around the world. These advertisements are mainly shown on second right column on your Facebook page next to the first right column, being your friends list.

Depending on the type of advertisement or size of it, it can cost from RM 30 to a few thousand ringgit.

- Ali - 03-05-2014 12:38 AM

advertisement (adds) it is the way that many companies earn money by and facebook is one of.