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Anyone have a Twitter acct? I don't get it... ? - Printable Version

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Anyone have a Twitter acct? I don't get it... ? - Jennifer - 03-05-2014 12:24 AM

Do you just jump in any conversation and start talking to people you don't even know? Also, it's really hard to move around the site.. when you go to my acct, or home, it doesn't bring you to your questions (how do you get there)... don't see what the big hype is about the site.

- Shua - 03-05-2014 12:32 AM

TwitteR. Is a micro blog . You update it with things you are doing or thinking. The really big hype is you can update via cell phone.

- Jennifer G - 03-05-2014 12:40 AM

I'm in the midst of writing a Twitter series for my blog. I'll post Part 1 "What is Twitter" here. If you like it, please visit my blog for the remaining posts. Thanks!

“What the hell is a Twitter?” a dear, old friend asked me a few months ago.

That’s not an uncommon question. Many people have never heard of this social networking and micro-blogging tool. Others know about Twitter, but claim they don’t understand its appeal; some absolutely love it.

When I first started using Twitter about a year ago, it felt strange… sort of like sleeping on a new mattress or putting on new, slightly scratchy yoga pants when the old ones were so comfortable and familiar. But the more I used it, the more I liked it. Some of the people I follow on Twitter seem downright addicted to it. Seems like they tweet every 5 minutes, making me wonder how they get any work done! Sure, there are days when I myself get carried away, but I certainly wouldn’t classify myself as a Twuggie (or should I say Twaddict? Twunkie?)

People use Twitter for many reasons like staying connected with friends and family members, making new friends, finding dates, or simply to self-express. I use it for 2 reasons:

1. To connect with other Internet professionals. When I first started using it, I was thrilled to be able to read off-the-cuff observations and opinions from industry thought-leaders like Guy Kawasaki, Matt Cutts, Danny Sullivan, etc. But it also helps me stay connected here on my own turf with pros like Mike DeAloia, George Nemeth and Thomas Mulready.

Let’s face it: these days, few of us have time for a cup of coffee let alone the 3-martini lunch of yesteryear. The Internet, whether you view it as a curse or a blessing, helps people stay connected like never before in history (except maybe 2 million years ago when everyone lived in the same cave). Twitter is just one of many Web 2.0 applications taking online interaction to the next level. 3.0 is not far down the road.

2. To market myself and my clients. Just as Twitter helps people stay connected with family and friends, it helps businesses stay connected to customers in a personal way— this is key. People don’t want to hear from corporations any more, they want 1-on-1 interaction with another human being. With Twitter, you can conduct surveys; talk about how you helped another client / customer; report on live events; announce new products or services; promote your blog posts; and much more.

Twitter can also help businesses find new customers. I’ve witnessed direct referrals from Twitter to client sites that have resulted in conversions. This is especially beneficial when you consider that aside from time, there are no out-of-pocket costs for this service. It’s 100% free.