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Need some serious help. Virus/malware prevention? - Printable Version

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Need some serious help. Virus/malware prevention? - Anna - 03-05-2014 09:18 AM

I have a coworker who perpetually has malware/viruses/trojans/adware/junk on her computer. I remove a few items a day, actually. She has Malwarebytes and McAfee. We had Norton in the past, but it let a rather nasty virus through that took HOURS to remove.

She has a brand new computer, but even after starting over with fresh new software she still managed to get it bogged down with viruses in a couple of weeks. She actually has no idea where she gets it from. She maintains all she does is read news articles, check email, and get on facebook during her break.

So my question is this: What antivirus/antimalware software can you recommend to try to prevent all of these harmful things from being downloaded? Even if it's a combination of different things, PLEASE offer any advice you can.
She's in her late 50's. I honestly think she has no idea how she's getting them. That's the problem Sad.

- marianne - 03-05-2014 09:23 AM

She's turning off the antivirus, or she doesn't have it enabled for surfing or email. I will also guarantee that she's not updating the virus definitions every day. There's no way she can have antivirus live and ~keep~ having viruses and malware. One might get through every few months if she's visiting a lot of dodgy sites, but not with normal browsing and live antivirus.

1) She should not have Admin access to her computer. She needs to be set up solely as sign-on, and access to antivirus/malware programs should not be in her control.

2) Take away her ability to access private email and Facebook. She and her friends are probably passing viruses back and forth like sailors and hookers.

3) Malwarebytes is great. Bitdefender is a good antivirus, but if she turns it off or disables the live section, it won't be any better than what she's got now.

Any employee who has this kind of problem more than once is not a desirable employee. If her job includes social networking, she should also be savvy enough to avoid most virus/malware. Otherwise, she's just another 13-year-old girl following Kardashians around the net, and not valuable in a business environment.

- Charles - 03-05-2014 09:33 AM

Only use one (1) antivirus security software on your computer. I always recommend either Trend Micro Titanium Security or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

- john - 03-05-2014 09:41 AM

Having Malwarebytes run alongside an antivirus is fine, I would however recommend a different antivirus. Avast would do just fine. You could also try booting up in safe mode to prevent execution of any malicious software and run a full scan with Malwarebytes there.

- Jane - 03-05-2014 09:56 AM

None of Antivirus gives 100% protection. I personally use Quietzone, a combination of antivirus and isolation program, to get an addtional lay of security.

I like its ease of use. When the ON button is pressed a session is started. When this is turned OFF, everything, related to session is forensically deleted from the system (except the changes in folders you choose to keep). More info on their website: