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Niall Horan on twitter? - Cowboy Chaser - 03-05-2014 10:30 AM

Ok so me and Niall have so much in common it's crazy! I went to this site where it had a long list of things he likes in girls and Im a perfect match! The thing is I'm just dying to meet him or get his attention to see if anything could sparkWink I fell for what I could see his personality was like before his looks and thats how I know I really like someone. ANYWAY I was hoping you guys could somehow help me get his attention?? My twitter account is LoveInAMelody so follow me and help me out pleaseSmile
@Girl WIth the Brown Eyes: Yeah I know but what's wrong with trying? You never know what could happen so why not? It's kinda fun in a way tooSmile
Yeah well I definitely like him, a lot but I'm definitely not the kind of girl that goes all crazy and annoying like that eitherTongue SO I'm hoping maybe he'll notice that? haha yeah small chance for sure but it keeps me busyWink

- 203 - 03-05-2014 10:31 AM

Hun, there are a million other girls out there that think they're perfect for Niall. It's extremely unlikely you'll ever meet him or get his attention. He has millions of followers on twitter who try and talk to him daily so he probably won't even see your tweet.

Edit: Yeah, I guess it never hurts to try. Hmm...well lots of girls on twitter seem pretty desperate and beg them to follow them or notice them on twitter so by not doing that you'd probably stand out a little. I think you should start by saying what an inspiration you think they are and maybe talk about one of the things you have in common i.e. he likes Nandos so if you like Nandos also, talk about that. Sorry I'm sorta bad at this haha.

- ilovepie - 03-05-2014 10:32 AM

I feel the same way, and my mind tells me it's hopeless. But another part of me says go for it, he'll love youSmile I'm not his perfect description, but personality wise we are perfect for each other. In the video diaries whenever he laughs and no one else is, I'm the only one of my friends laughing too.